Our Staff


Care Coordinator

Bringing a wealth of experience in both patient management and also natural health, Shaneice will help make every visit of yours a positive experience.


Care Coordinator​​​​​​​

Bio coming soon...


Clinical Assistant

Lexi's background includes competitive gymnastics (Winona State University) and a degree in Exercise Science. She has also worked with Parkinson's patience in a group fitness setting.


Clinical Assistant

Andrea will get you ready for your adjustment. Spending time stretching your lower back and reducing your fascial adhesions with the HyperVolt makes your adjustment more effective (it's kind of like stretching before exercise).

Clinical Assistant

Bio coming soon...

Jill Johnson
Jill Johnson

Massage Therapist

Jill Johnson specializes in a variety of different therapies to facilitate permanent & lasting healing. Often massage is Considered a luxury or form of pampering. However, for Jill, this work is about providing healing. A systemic way of supporting the body and it's journey to recovery and wellness. Everything she does is intentional, well-researched and designed to improve functioning and healing.

Tammy Gonzalez
Tammy Gonzalez

Massage Therapist

Tammy brings a wealth of experience to your massage session. She has worked on world-class athletes, seniors, expecting mothers, auto injuries and everything in between.

Scott Lesieur
Scott Lesieur

Massage Therapist

Performance-driven massage and bodywork.

Scott brings 22+ years of massage therapy experience. When not taking care of you here at Barnick Chiropractic, Scott goes on-site at major sporting events and also teaches advanced classes in massage therapy.